Lubbock’s Leading Provider of Supportive Housing

Our Mission: To cultivate community, opportunity, and restoration with people experiencing poverty, homelessness, and sex trafficking.

Since 1997, Open Door has provided resources to people in poverty, homelessness, and sex trafficking within the context of a loving and supportive community.  Through our Church, Community Center, Supportive Housing, and Survivor Housing programs, Open Door creates a place where every person can live, thrive, and belong.  

Cultivating Community Since 1997

Our Values

Faith is a story that shapes our lives. At Open Door, the Christian faith - the story of God - shapes who we are, what we do, and how we see the world. Valuing faith at Open Door means living and working in ways that align with this story.  

Community is a people with a shared story. At Open Door, we share the story of God, which tells us we were created out of community, for community. We also share stories like how we started in a soup kitchen in North Overton in 1997, our experiences with homelessness, and the friendships developed within our community. Valuing community at Open Door means practicing solidarity, mutuality, and hospitality with the people we are connected to through these stories.

Compassion is solidarity with suffering. It involves noticing, feeling, and responding with love to suffering in ourselves and others. At Open Door, compassion isn’t just feeling sorry for someone—it's recognizing our human sameness and acting with care and justice. Valuing compassion means daring to get close enough to feel the pain of suffering and staying present and responsive—even when it affects us deeply, even if our actions fail to alleviate the pain. 

Empowerment is enabling people to live, thrive, and belong. It involves removing barriers, fostering opportunities, and sharing power in ways that support agency, expand capacity, and advance justice. At Open Door, this may mean advocating against discriminatory ordinances, helping people navigate the vital records system, employing a friend to cook daily breakfast, helping someone find a home in their preferred neighborhood, participating in a recovery support group, engaging and affirming participation from the least educated person in a group discussion, etc.

Transformation is a process of holistic change. Our faith affirms the inherent goodness of creation, acknowledges its current and pervasive brokenness, and envisions a future in which all things are made right. Transformation is the process of alignment with this hopeful future. At Open Door, transformation may look like a person turning from a life of hate to one of love, getting clean and sober, or mending a broken marriage, just as it may mean working for racial reconciliation, social justice, and community development on systemic levels.

Since 1997…

Open Door began its ministry with the people experiencing homelessness in 1997 when members of Broadway Church of Christ saw a need for people in homelessness to develop community and connect with resources. Originally housed in a donated building in North Overton, Open Door opened as a church and community center for those in the neighborhood who needed a place to go. In 2004, with the redevelopment of North Overton, Open Door moved to its current location in South Overton on 13th Street for further expansion.

From 1997 to 2010, Open Door was under the oversight of Broadway Church of Christ. In 2011, Open Door became an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under the leadership of a Board of Directors. Since 2011, Open Door has grown significantly, expanding its programming from a small, grassroots church and community center to a robust Christian community development organization. In 2017, Open Door announced a name change from Carpenter’s Church to Open Door to better reflect the mission and scope of the organization and to create room for further expansion in the future.


Open Door believes collaboration is key to impacting our entire community. We are proud to partner with businesses across our community, state, and nation.

Open Door is a member of South Plains Homeless Consortium, Texas Homeless Network, South Plains Food Bank, and Texas Health & Human Services.